The 6-week course covers:

  • Introduction to the origin and sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet

  • The rules of Vedic chant

  • The Veda-s – a vast body of knowledge, preserved and orally transmitted from one generation to the next over thousands of years.

  • adhyayanam ­– listening and chanting exactly as the teacher does.

    Over the 6 weeks we will learn the following sacred Mantra-s:

  • Sivapañcākṣarī-mantraḥ

  • Āyurmantraḥ

  • Sūryanamaskāra-mantraḥ.

We learn through traditional call and response; listening and repeating after the teacher anchors the mind, improves focus and listening skills. These ancient teachings hold eternal truths that can help us to live more meaningfully, and to appreciate the role of nature and the elements in our lives.  

Benefits of chanting
Sanskrit sounds have healing value, triggering certain positive vibrations within our bodies that enhance our health and inner wellbeing. Chanting:

  • is considered to be one of the most important forms of meditation

  • integrates body, voice, mind and our emotions

  • brings you home to your heart and helps you find your voice.

  • is experiential not intellectual.

  • improves memory and concentration.

  • calms the mind, relieves stress and promotes efficiency and a positive outlook.

  • can help to alleviate physiological and psychological illnesses.

Chanting is gaining popularity, but that’s not why I’m encouraging you to participate. I love chanting, and I want to share the joy and strength it brings me. Chanting fills me with hope when I feel lost, am in pain or disconnected; it settles my emotions, calms my nervous system and is so beneficial for my asthma.

I have been practising chanting since 2003, although I had some bad habits to unlearn when I began my Vedic Chant Teacher Training with Menaka Desikachar! Now the chants are getting longer and more challenging, yet my commitment to the practice only strengthens.

What if my voice is terrible?

All voices are good voices and most of the time in the online class your microphone will be on mute. If you find yourself swallowing your words, feeling anxious and unsettled at this time or feel you are not being heard, please try Vedic chanting!

Who can chant?

Traditionally, Vedic chanting was the preserve of high-caste men. In modern times practitioners dwindled, as did teachers with the authority to teach with more and more Brahmins taking professional employment and moving away from traditional spiritual practices. T. Krishnamacharya thought the times were coming when these precious teachings, valued and transmitted for thousands of years would be lost. He opened the doors of Vedic chanting to everyone irrespective of gender, race, occupation, caste, religious or political affiliations; it was his firm belief that anyone who sincerely wished to learn should be able to do so Discover the positive feelings of connection, acceptance and internal peace that Vedic chanting brings to practitioners… and to listeners. Experience the healing power of ancient sound and Mantra-s – subtle sounds that can influence positive change within us.  

Copies of Mantravallī An Anthology of Sacred Chants are available for purchase from $60 plus postage.


Vedic chanting for beginners

6-week course: Tuesday 16 June – Tuesday 21 July 2020

Time: 8.00 to 9.00am – On Zoom

Cost – $180

includes materials and one 30-minute private session with Deb.

Each class will include a short experiential practice with a simple mantra and gestures.

Copies and recordings of chants will be provided during the course.

Not a beginner? See my Vedic Chant Classes